Skye the Unicorn was provided in exchange for an honest review. This blog post contains affiliate links.

What's In the Box?

The Skye the Unicorn MagiCoders box comes with 22 pieces in the box; Skye the Unicorn, a wand, spell book, coding tokens, a seesaw, rainbow, ball, panda unicorn, cupcake, rainbow and unicorn play pieces.
How Does It Work?
Skye the Unicorn is controlled by the wand. The wand has six buttons. 4 buttons, the up, down, right, and left buttons control Skye's direction. The white star in the middle sends the commands to the unicorn. The purple start changes the mode for Skye.
There is a spell mode where the buttons are combined to have Skye do certain actions. These actions include 12 interactive actions; dancing (Sky plays music and goes around in a circle), sleep mode (Skye snores when a hand is placed front of here nose), sky soaring, unicorn treat (Skye eats a pretend snack when a hand is placed in front of here nose), guard unicorn, rainbow horn where her horn changes different colors, mood horn (Skye's nose changes when a hand is waved in front of here nose), merry-go-round (She goes around in circles while playing music), rainbow birthday song, illuninotes (Skye plays different notes when a hand is waved in front of her nose), follow the ball, and shy unicorn.
My daughters favorites are follow the ball, Skye will follow a ball around the room, dance party and nap time.
Skye also has a free play mode. This is activated by pressing the purple star. During this mode she will follow a list of commands depending on the input buttons pushed.
The playset is also really fun for free play also. My daughter loved using the catapult to launch starts across the room and free play with the rainbow and cupcake.
What Did We Think?
We loved the MagiCoder Skye the Unicorn play set. This toy has a lot of potential to grow with the child. There are so many different ways to play with the Unicorn. It also teaches kids important basic coding skills in a fun way. There is also a Blaze the Dragon set that would be really fun for kids to play with. Click here to find on Amazon

Here is the packaging.
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